Are you planning for your Child to start nursery?

Starting nursery is a big step in your child’s life (and yours!) and it can be a very exciting time, however we know for all parents it can create feelings of mixed emotions, from worrying if their child will cope on their own, settle in or make new friends. Let’s Talk about Your Child starting Nursery -is a booklet we have created specifically for parents and carers of a child with Downs syndrome to help support when planning for and starting nursery to ensure the transition can be a smooth and happy experience for you and your child.

Are you planning for your Child to start Primary School?

Starting Primary school is a big step in your child’s life (and yours!) and it can be a very exciting time, however we know for all parents it can create feelings of mixed emotions, from worrying if their child will cope on their own, settle in or make new friends. Let’s Talk about Your Child starting Primary School -is a booklet we have created specifically for parents and carers of a child with Downs syndrome to help support when planning for and starting Primary school to ensure the transition can be a smooth and happy experience for you and your child.

A booklet for siblings to give them information about growing up with a brother or sister with Down’s syndrome.

A booklet about our Achieving Better Communication Programme.

Information about babies with Down’s syndrome for new parents.

This booklet is for the parents, families and friends of new babies with Down’s syndrome.