Makaton Signing for Babies and Families – Babies up to 1 year old and Family Members/Carers Welcome

When: Tuesday 28th January – Tuesday 4th March 2025 (inclusive) – 6 weekly sessions
Time: 10.00-10.30am
Online Via Zoom
Join Katy Lironi, Down’s Syndrome Scotland’s Makaton Tutor and ABC (Achieving Better Communication) Development Lead for this highly popular, free online course, which is a great introduction to early communication and Makaton signing.
These very popular FREE sessions cover the basics of Makaton signing for babies and introduce songs, stories, rhymes, early communication tips and oral motor exercises. The sessions are fun and interactive, for both parents/carers and babies, teaching families how to best support early communication for their baby with Down’s syndrome and providing contact with other new parents/carers.
The course has been carefully planned to cover a range of exercises, signs, songs and stories across the 6 week period. Sessions include – week 1: saying hello, week 2: eating and drinking, week 3: going places, week 4: play time, week 5: asking for help and week 6: listen carefully, plus many more signs are taught through songs and activities.
Parental feedback suggests that both baby and their parents/carers enjoy the interactive element of this course and learning signs through songs and activities. We do however understand that individual circumstances might mean that you are not able to commit to the day/time as outlined above, or perhaps you will be unable to attend a session one week. All sessions will be recorded and a secure Vimeo link emailed weekly to attendees. If you cannot attend on Tuesdays, you can request to receive the weekly recordings of the whole 6 week block. Please let Katy know in advance if you can’t attend one week by emailing,
To book onto this 6 week course please complete the registration form at the link below.