28 January 2025
Module 2: Teaching Reading using the Whole Word Approach

This module expands on the learning covered in module 1, specifically looking at how to teach children with Down’s syndrome to read and how this positively supports language development.
Module content:
- Using the whole word approach and exploring strategies using this approach to teach reading
- How phonics can support the whole word approach
- The importance of teaching reading and its impact on “talking”
Event Details
Tuesday 28th January
4pm – 5pm
Delivered online via Zoom
Cost: £45
Please be aware that the fee is per person attending the session.
Please ensure you are able to access Zoom from your chosen device, prior to joining the session. Some schools/nurseries may need to consult with their IT department to arrange this.
The Zoom link will be emailed to you ahead of time (usually 2 days before) from info@dsscotland.org.uk.