Become a member

General – Become a member

"*" indicates required fields

Life membership

Your details

Hi my name is:
Letter in an envelope with the email @ sign on it
Picutres of landline and mobile phones
Picutres of landline and mobile phones
Drawing of a house
Do you live with your family or independently?

Other info

Drawing of a birthday cake
Date of birth
We will use the information you have put on this form to let you know about what we are up to and contact you about the support we can offer you. If you have any questions about this please call us on 0300 030 2121.
How would you like us to contact you?
Please tick as many as you like
I would like to become a member of Down’s Syndrome Scotland and I hereby declare that by making this application and clicking on ‘Join us now’ below, I declare the following:

Keeping in touch info

Keeping in touch

In addition to receiving your membership communications, we would like to send you information about the work we do, ways we can support you and you can support us. As well as sharing news about the charity and your local branch, we will contact you about any of our services that may be of interest, events and fundraising for DSS, our campaigns and the many ways you can shape our work.

We will ask you these questions each time you complete a form to make sure we always have your latest preferences – so if you wish to keep hearing from us, please opt-in each time.

Please contact me via:

If we have your postal address, we may contact you by post unless you tell us otherwise.

We take your privacy seriously and promise to never sell your data. You can find out more about your rights, how we use your personal information and how we keep your details safe and secure by reading our Privacy Policy. For more information, or to change the way we contact you, please e-mail or call our team on 0300 030 2121.

Gift Aid

I want to Gift Aid my donation and any donations I make in future years or have made in the past 4 years. I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference.

Gift Aid
Declaration I would like to become a member of Down’s Syndrome Scotland and I hereby declare that by making this application and clicking on ‘Join us now’ below, I declare the following:
