Winter Flu and COVID-19 Vaccination Programme Update & Timeline

Public Health Scotland has published details about this year’s Winter Flu and COVID-19 Vaccination Programme.
Individuals with Down’s syndrome aged 6 months+ are eligible for both the flu and COVID winter vaccines as detailed below.
We are very concerned that unpaid carers are not shown as being eligible for the 2024 Winter COVID vaccine. We are currently in contact with Public Health Scotland and The Scottish Government to challenge this as we know that many of you in our community are the sole (unpaid) carer for a loved one with Down’s syndrome and will be highly anxious about contracting COVID and being unable to care for them. We will update you once we have more information on this.
The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) recently published its advice to UK governments on the forthcoming COVID-19 Vaccination Programme. Similar to previous Winter Vaccination Programme, the JCVI’s advice is to offer the vaccine to those at high risk of serious disease and who are therefore most likely to benefit from vaccination. You can read the JCVI statement here.
Scotland’s Winter Vaccination Programme will be delivered at local level by Health Boards across the country.
Invitations to book or attend an appointment are being sent to those who are eligible.
- NHS Scotland will contact those who are eligible by post, email or text.
- Eligible groups will continue to be invited for vaccination as the programme progresses through the autumn and winter.
Who will be offered the Vaccines?
You’ll be offered the Flu Vaccine if you’re:
- aged 18 to 64 with an eligible health condition
- living with someone who has a weakened immune system
- an unpaid or young carer
- a non-frontline NHS worker
- a poultry worker
- an asylum seeker living in a home office hotel or B&B accommodation
- experiencing homelessness or substance misuse
- living in a Scottish prison
- living in a long-stay residential care home or other long stay care facility
You’ll be offered Flu and Coronavirus Vaccines this winter if you’re:
- living or working in a care home for older adults
- aged 65 and over
- aged 6 months and over with an eligible health condition
- pregnant
- a frontline health or social care worker
If you need to book or rearrange a vaccine appointment for children under 12 years, you should call the number on your child’s letter.
Please click on the links below for more details:
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccine and Health Conditions – See sections titled ‘Adults aged 16 and over with health conditions’ and ‘Children aged under 16 with health conditions’. Down’s syndrome is an eligible condition under Chronic neurological disease or condition.
COVID-19: the green book, chapter 14a – See pages 24 and 26: ‘Table 3: Clinical risk groups for individuals aged 16 years and over’ and ‘Table 4: Clinical risk groups for individuals aged under 16 years’. Down’s syndrome is an eligible condition under Chronic neurological disease.
Scotland’s Winter Vaccination Programme has started – Public Health Scotland
Flu Vaccine – NHS Inform – See section titled ‘Eligible Health Conditions’. Down’s syndrome is an eligible condition under Chronic neurological disease (from 6 months or older)
Child Flu Vaccine – NHS Inform
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccine – NHS Inform
Winter Vaccine Leaflets – NHS Inform
Information in Easy Read about the Winter Flu and COVID-19 Vaccines – Public Health Scotland
Scottish Vaccine Update – Issue 83 – Scottish Vaccine Update – Public Health Scotland
Please contact our Family Support Service Team on 0300 030 2121, email or use live chat (when available) for any enquiries relating to the Winter Flu or Covid-19 Vaccination Programme.